This section will help you keep abreast of the latest trends and statistics on Learning across the globe.
The focus in this update is on some interesting statistics on Web Based Training (WBT ) or e-Learning.Ongoing research by numerous organizations continues to support WBT (e-Learning) as a solid platform for learning.
- Is e-learning as effective as classroom learning? According to researchers at the Department of Defense’s Advanced Distribute Learning Initiative (ADL) and the University of Tulsa it is. “E-learning and classroom learning were found to be equally effective when the content and the learners were similar.” (ASTD Training and Development Magazine, August 2005)
- “Evidence exists that e-Learning results in an equal or greater quality of learning over traditional instruction. The reason: e-Learning is more interactive, hence more learning is recalled” (IOMA )
- e-Learning, blended with instructor led coaching and practice sessions provides a learning experience superior to than either method can produce on their own. Learn content online and refine the skills in a facilitated session. Get better results for half the cost in half the time.
- All indications now point to a growing and vibrant sector,” says eMarketer analyst Ben Macklin. He forecasts that growth will be accelerated by the current generation’s students who are familiar with Internet and video games, and who will readily embrace online learning.