Training in organizations has become a ritual with uncertain outcomes. At Mentor, we advocate for an engineered approach to learning, called Result Oriented Learning Engineering (R.O.L.E). This patented methodology, developed over 20 years, integrates insights from thought leaders and diverse disciplines. R.O.L.E focuses on translating business expectations into consistent actions by influencing people’s behavior.
Unlike traditional training, R.O.L.E acknowledges the challenges of adult learning and emphasizes the importance of measurable actions aligned with business objectives. It recognizes that adults learn differently and require a conducive environment for habituating new skills. R.O.L.E achieves this by appealing to both the emotional and rational aspects of learners, fostering comfort for trial and using various methodologies to transfer learning ownership.
In contrast to the prevailing perception of Learning and Development (L&D) as a discretionary expense, R.O.L.E positions it as an investment with a measurable return. It provides a strategic framework for business leaders, addressing the why, which area to impact, who should attend, what behaviours to influence, when results will appear, where impacts will be seen first, and how outcomes will be measured.
R.O.L.E ensures that learning design is contextually relevant, focusing on measurable business impact. It encourages employee and manager ownership of learning, eliminating the need for additional follow-up investments. With tailored approaches for Standard, Custom, Consulting, and Organizational Performance Enhancement, R.O.L.E stands as a personalized solution for unique business needs. Connect with us today to explore how R.O.L.E can transform your business.