Rule the World!

Long ago, I found this four point formula by Lao Tzu for Ruling the World. If one takes calm look at this he will find the profoundness & simplicity of this advocacy remarkable.

Here are the four points and my take on how can one implement the four points…

  • Be sincere in your thoughts
  1. Speak only the truth, doesn’t matter what the consequences are. Build skills to tone down the harshness of the truth that affects feelings of others.
  2. Make commitments with enough care. Consider what you can do and what you can’t!
  3. Persist and deliver what you committed. There is more happiness in meeting the commitment than the subsequent outcomes that arise out of your meeting the commitment
  • Investigate things
  1. Ask “Why” as well as “Why not” before doing anything
  2. Think Long term. Don’t act as if there is no tomorrow, believe in the law of harvesting, What goes around will certainly come around.
  3. Function, and not Form is important in most things.
  • Discipline Self
  1. Write your goals, figure out the actions needed to achieve each goal and schedule them diligently
  2. Make sure there is time set up for each action you want to do, ensure that it is done in that time slot
  3. Happiness is your real goal, never forget it!
  • Manage your family well
  1. Spend quality time, at the right frequency
  2. Avoid display of anger, lavish praise on people
  3. Set and manage expectations of people well.
You will certainly rule the world, yours!!